Carey Mulligan at TIFF. Waiting fan is Rorygilmore I think. |
It's officially fall. One of the things that makes the end of summer in Toronto almost bearable is the film festival. If you're not familiar, movie stars come to our fair city and screen their Oscar hopeful films. It's a great festival because regular folks get to watch movie screenings, not just industry types or press. So Rorygilmore and I have been going for a few years. Now, you know I'm a big movie fan, but I'm really a movie lover as opposed to movie star stalking fan. That is, unless I know for sure Keanu Reeves or Jon Hamm is going to buy me a drink or offer to sit next to me at the theatre, I'm not hanging outside a hotel waiting for them to come out and cross the street. So If I want to see say, Clive Owen, I'll pay to see his movie. Clive, by the way, is as tall, dark, and handsome as you would imagine. This year I was sitting outside the Yorkville Anthropologie finishing a sudoku puzzle when Rorygilmore caught Jon Hamm crossing the street from the Four Seasons to the Hazelton. The closest I ever got to a real celeb was the time I was trying on boots next to Marisa Tomei at Holts (the year she was promoting 'The Wrestler')....Memorable only because Marisa was wearing a really short dress/tunic, struggled with her boots like a 2 year old, and seemed to forget her underpants. You get the picture. That's the closest I'll get to fame.

Anyway, this year we went to the gala screening of
Never Let Me Go, the much hyped movie adaptation of the famous novel. My grade? B+... and that's generous. That's Carey Mulligan pictured above, at the TIFF screening. Best buzz at TIFF that night was for her dress, which was fabulous!!! The less you know about the story, the better. That's almost impossible and the movie gives 'the secret' away much too early. And then it's just a really slow movie where nothing really seems to happen. Carey was fine and may even get another Oscar nom. Keira Knightley and Andrew Garfield (who is the next Spiderman)? both soooo skinny.
Then R and I watched
The Town. It was much better than I expected, so I'll give it A minus. I fell in love with Boston when we were there this August, but the Boston of 'The Town' isn't Newbury Street. Ben Affleck is so handsome and directed a good cast, including Jon Hamm (who is just ok in this), Blake Lively (surprisingly good), Jeremy Renner (perfect) and Rebecca Hall (meh). By the way,
Mad Men is having a great season, no? Last night's episode was devastating, and 'The Suitcase" which highlighted Don and Peggy's relationship, is my fave episode of the whole series so far.
Finally Rorygilmore and I watched
Easy A. My grade? A of course. Emma Stone is adorable, awesome and dare I say it? the new Lindsay, hopefully with a better fate. It's a fun, funny, and somehow smart teen movie, which I'm obviously not above enjoying even at my advance age. Emma is starring in the movie adaptation of
The Help, the book I so enjoyed this summer. So that's something to look forward to.
Next up for me? possibly
the facebook movie, though I think Justin Timberlake should really just stick to music.