I took the train to go to the office last week. I haven't regularly taken public transportation since 1987, so in the last 23 years I've taken the subway maybe 20 times. On this particular dark and dreary weekday morning, I was shocked to see that 8.5 out of 10 commuters now wear black coats. Of the others, 1 out of 10 wore grey, and .25 wore brown or camel (me), and the remaining .25 dared to wear an actual color, like red or green (thankfully not together).
To go with all that black outerwear, are matching black accessories--black purses, black knapsacks and laptop bags, black shoes and boots, black lunch bags, black phones. Ugh. I'll admit that black is practical, neutral and slimming. But it is also damn depressing. It was as if I'd walked onto the set of Schindler's List...
And then when I finally arrived at the office, all the women were wearing combinations of black and grey. Myself included. Can we just buy and wear something
other than black please?
May I suggest this lovely coat from Anthro?
My beloved Nora Ephron says, "
you can't own too many black turtlenecks." I agree. But do we have to wear these black turtlenecks all the time? Can we just mix it up a little?
Now, let's not go overboard. I am related to/acquainted with someone who only wears pastels and light colors, and that is even sillier, given her age.
But for the rest of us...consider red, pink, or blue. Imagine how much prettier our world would be.