
2016: The Year of Creativity and Beauty

God. Has it really been nearly 18 months since I wrote or posted anything? Let's catch up on a few things:

  • I've been spending these past months working hard at a challenging job that I'm grateful to have and enjoy very much. 
  • At the end of 2014 I reconnected with some long lost girlfriends and we spent much of 2015 going to dinners, brunches, shopping, and celebrating our lives together. We have the #besties Facebook posts to prove it.
  • 2014 and early 2015 found me with an unlimited membership at the beautiful Bikram Yoga studio near my office, but I really couldn't find the time to drive to the studio on weekends and consequently couldn't practise as much as I'd like. Luckily at the end of April, Mia and I discovered Orangetheory Fitness. And for the first time in my adult life my list of New Years Resolutions does NOT include 'lose weight' or 'get in shape,' because I'm actually happy with my size and feel as strong and healthy as ever. 

So life continues to be very good! But...

2016 is the year I turn 55. 55! I suppose that could be middle aged...or one could say I have more years behind me than ahead of me. It is time to stop wasting time, live up to my true potential, and start creating.


1. Write and read everyday. '500 Writing Prompts' is a great start...better than a journal. It's just for me so my writing doesn't have to be perfect, witty, or even eloquent. The point is just to WRITE. Even if it's only for 10 or 15 minutes a day. On Dec 31 I answered the question: "Who is your favorite clothing designer, and what article of clothing do you love most by them?" So a short clumsy repetitive blurb on DVF and my collection of wrap dresses. This morning's question: "If you knew it would be published, name someone (alive or dead) whose biography you would love to write. You would have all access to their life." Nora Ephron of course! Which led me to read some Nora books, which led to add reading to my list. One can't write if one doesn't read.

2. Hydrate. We just have to do it. For our skin and the rest of our organs. For energy. No further explanations needed. Also, isn't that swell bottle just beautiful in rose gold?

3. Don't waste time on people and things that don't matter. I'm not 25, or 35, or even 45. I haven't got that much time and I have too many things to do.

4. Surround yourself with things you love. Because I thrive in beautiful surroundings. And buy only things that are useful and beautiful; I'm worth it. This could also mean "Feng shui the sh*t out of my house."

5. Pamper yourself, and always put your best face forward. I've always taken good care of my skin, but it needs more attention than ever--so facials, mani/pedis, lashes, regular coloring and blowouts, good skincare products, dentist appointments--will be as important and added to my regular routine along with the amazing, 'worth every penny' Orangetheory classes.

I'm excited about being creative and beautiful in 2016, and all of its possibilities!