See my happiness list? 'A good hair day' tops the list. Yes, I am that shallow and vain. I could've listed 'a peaceful ending to the G20', or 'free plastic bags at Longos', as things that make me happiest. But this is my blog and I had to be honest. Sometimes all I need to be happy is good hair.
Back in the day my hair was my crowning glory--thick, glorious, and shiny--perfect for the sleek bobs of the era. My hair was so effortlessly perfect that I never gave it a second thought. Except for the Donna Summer tragedy of 1978, my hair was never permed. I waited until a week before my wedding, when I was already 30 years old, to even get my hair coloured! I was low maintenance. Now if my hairdresser hasn't seen me in 22 days, she calls 911. Because she knows.
So I will bring this image of the goddess of simplicity and all that is kind to the salon on Aug 14. To achieve this carelessly toussled look, my mane will be shampooed, highlighted, lowlighted, trimmed, Moroccanoiled, moussed, blown out, volumized, flat ironed, sprayed. And it will be a good day.
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